Speech Notes for 9/30/2023

That which is near to us has more power over us than that which is far from us. Show me your friends or your addictions, and I will show you your future.

If you cannot reach it, you can't use it. If you cannot reach or see your car keys, then you can't 'access' keys to start the car.

Accessibility: if we can't access a __________ (fill in the blank...sugar, substance, sex, pornography, gambling, compulsivity, spending, etc.), we create a chance to replace it with a new habit or system.

Consciously create distance from the thing you do not want in your life. When we let go and allow God to be bigger than our problems, our problems get smaller. The smaller we get, the bigger God can get in our lives.

Step 1 is the death of an old selfish way of living and the birth of a profound alteration in our reaction to life, otherwise known as selflessness.

Honesty is a tipping point in every positive paradigm.

Read from How It Works in the Big Book about the capacity to prevail contingent upon the maintenance of a spiritual condition known as honesty.

The truth to set you free asks for your consent or willingness to live in the question. Teachable Moments are born from a willingness to learn or explore outside of everything we think we know.

A word to my Friends of Lois W.: Don’t outsource your peace (that surpasses all human understanding).