Just a Few Words on Perception

I was thinking about something along these lines this morning, trying to dwell on the meaning or memeing of the power of perception. Sometimes, it simply seems like 'life is just life' and does what it will, no matter what we think, say, do, or even pray about. But then there's that pesky perception problem (I just wanted three P's). Is life just our experience of BEING alive, consisting of nothing other than the sum of everything we pay attention to? It's what...MOM? Mind Over Matter? If we don't mind, then it doesn't matter. (?)

Fortunately, life is more than a paragraphical breath between sentences. I'm sure we've all heard of the 'it ain't illegal to BE crazy' quote, 'it's just illegal to ACT crazy.'

A PESTamist is a Positive Thinker that won't shut up. I've noticed that USUALLY when I think ill of any person, place, or thing, it is USUALLY my reaction to life. I am the idea that I trample. But when I Love, even the noise of silence is the Pilot Light of God.

I Am the 7th Virgin bearing a Lamp. 6 before, 3 after. Obscure by myself.