Freedom of Speech is our Savior

We've been seeing exegetic idiocy unfold before our eyes. So much so that leaders worldwide (business, academia, and government) are in a pseudo-panic about "social cohesion erosion" – Don't "Google it" anymore. Think for yourself.

Keeping faith in one another is imperative. If our Great Experiment in the Democratic Republic fails, it may result from our lost faith/trust in one another. Bear with me on this. Let us reconsider what good governance means, past/present/future.


Several scholars believe that democracy was born in Athens due to a unique tradition that created a High Trust environment. That is only part truth. Freedom to explore all avenues of living, good and bad, resulted in the great philosophies that survive to this day. In Ancient Greece, it was the norm to host parties called Symposia. Guests arrived, often drank wine, and long evenings ensued to discuss philosophical, political, religious, and even play silly games. Invitations were highly sought after and were an honor. The experience created powerful bonds of mutual respect - even among those who disagreed with one another.


The death-knell of democracy truly transpired when Socrates committed suicide. One of the greatest philosophers of all times and once the most sought-after guests for Symposia. Socrates was put on trial, judged by a prominent jury of his fellow citizens, ordered his suicide. His crime? Arguably, he died because he encouraged questioning everything and was an admirer of Athens's enemy, Sparta. Socrates thus angered both government and citizens. And it happened at a time of increasing polarization among the citizenry (and a sharp decline in the hosting of drinking parties). People lost faith in one another; they ceased engaging in free debate. Differing views became anathema. Athenian democracy could have survived losing wars and Spartan puppets, but it couldn't endure citizens losing that unique mutual respect and agreeable disagreement. Neither could a man like Socrates.


Likewise, if our Experiment fails, it won't be because of the president or left/right protests. We've survived horrible presidents before. Even more thought-provoking, we've survived great presidents. Not only have we survived remonstrations of every ilk, but we've also thrived on them despite plans to the contrary of the dark authors. If we go belly up, we will lose faith in one another. Democracy (even a Republican form of democracy, which we have) dies when mutual respect evaporates, sizzling away, disappears, and is GONE  because disagreement is both disagreeable and is itself is viewed as dangerous. Our true savior is free speech. First Things First, why bother having a God we can't talk about in debate?


We've come close to that, a time or two. The current day brawls reflect one of those times. Rather than tearing down history and statues, let's erect new ones nearby or create museums to remember all sides of every struggle?

What killed Socrates makes you stronger. Rather than whine, peal and moan, let’s celebrate our self-made crisis of faith and science, so as to evolve a new paradigm of peace. The True North of Freedom resides in the willingness to question our convictions.