Without forgiveness, life is bland. I blame forgiveness for this. OK, bad joke, but there is a flip-side to everything. Being thankful for EVERYTHING is part of true forgiveness (to me). Catch & release is like what you describe. Remember (catch), feel, forgive (release). I feel, therefore, I think I Am. The point of peace between catch & release is oftentimes the prism of acceptance. Intuitively knowing is a balance between feeling and thinking, but only when it is surrendered. Otherwise, we are only sponsoring ourselves. I don't exactly buy the concept that a person representing themselves in a court of law has a fool for a lawyer. Having a genius sponsor without a sponsee's prayers is a complete waste of 'conscious' (ha!) energy. ...seeking only for knowledge of God's will and the power to carry it out. The door to hell is only opened from the inside, but like Kid Rock said, get in the pit and try to love someone. Knock on the door so they can find it in the dark.