Trust to Go Where the Love Is

Go where the love is. If there isn't any there, bring some. Be the more loving one. A Zen Abbott once told me that it is better to give them to receive, but that it is harder to receive than it is to give because ego gets in the way of receiving.

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People erroneously believe that others have to earn their trust. Sometimes people even think others have to earn their love. If that was a viable philosophy everyone would probably be pulling the trigger on a YES for that one.

Unfortunately, it often seems like the whole world is waiting for someone else to prove themselves worthy of trust or love before receiving and then giving love. If we all did that, there would never be ANY world worth living in; it would be a loveless world. It would be a trustless world. Sometimes people that need love the most deserve it the least.


Oddly, those withholding love and trust are the impaired ones. Love them anyway.