We in recovery are standing on the shoulders of those who are standing on the shoulders of dead people. If you remember me more than you remember my message, I have failed you. Most of the good old-timers would probably agree that there is one who has all power and it wasn’t them. It was the We Program. We being God you and me. The three-legged stool. God serves us anonymously. We are unified through the power of God. Our life in recovery is the third leg in this stool.
Almost everything I know or believe has come from those people and meetings who have sat in the same room with me. It is borrowed wisdom at its core. And I would point out that there is always more power in a meeting than there is a number of people who are there. We are a fellowship of equals standing together as a root system that lives in the soil of the nutrients of our Higher Power.
Each and every one of us probably realize that alcohol and drugs don’t discriminate. Addicts and alcoholics are universally united under the power of addiction. Addicts and alcoholics are universally united in the freedom over the ‘power’ of addiction awarded through the grace of the knowledge of being powerless over them. That’s why serenity is a gift that we ask for. “God grant us the serenity..”. Courage and acceptance are also gifts that we also ask for. And of course, wisdom follows the same forged path.
We didn’t drink to escape. We have drunk to escape the guilt of passions, and then have drunk again to make more passions possible; is this really escape? Or were we drinking to overcome a craving beyond our mental control?
I read that “These men were not drinking to escape; they were drinking to overcome a craving beyond their mental control.” Speaking at least just for me, if I was drinking to escape, I was escaping straight into hell. The real Escape Doors from the pathology of optional suffering, or royal roads to transformative healing, are healed as follows:
Find out who you really are, and then be nothing less or more than who you are. We're only as sick as our secrets. We QUIT FIGHTING everything and everybody when we heal from the inside-out. At some point, we have to perform a virus scan on our soul, then purge the poison, and then "Let Go & Let God" by hitting the DELETE button.
We intuitively know things that used to baffle us. Trust your Innermost Voice to intuitively know what your rational contextual mind cannot. The full expression of our emotion is to will one thing because ‘difficult’ is not the same thing as bad. That's the balance between mind and heart.
Since feeling is first, who pays any attention to the syntax of things will never wholly (love) you. Love only love matters. Be the "reason" someone feels loved today. Remember, we didn't have a feeling problem without first having a thinking problem and drinking was just a symptom of our thinking problem. Quit thinking for yourself. Is none of my business what others think of me. But it's also none of my business what I think of me. My business is what my Creator thinks of me.