An Old Memory Can Be Your Friend or Your Enemy. It's Up to You.

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Yep. I didn't say it well, maybe. But, while we are NOT in control over whether someone decides to be your enemy in their own mind, who we view as an enemy is up to us.

Consider the Slogan, Life on God's Terms. To me, it smacks of pure Grace. Life on life's terms means to me, as I a limited human being perceives it, Life on God's terms. “My yolk is easy and my burden is light.” To think otherwise makes me ask, who told you that you are naked?

Selfishness, God Omission, is my Self Esteem and well, it doesn't go far enough. God-Esteem does. God Esteem delimits our perception.

IF I have turned my life and will over to the power of God, THEN how can I, Timothy, have any problems? Are not 'my' problems no longer 'mine'?

It's none of my business what others think of me, and it's none of my business what I think of me. My only business is what God thinks of me. My only business is TRUST. I don’t have to trust PEOPLE. When I trust God, I’m able to trust people in God’s Field of Grace.

And of course, God as I understand God doesn't add to or take away from God, but it DOES subtract from ME, so I can become as the Twelve and Twelve reads, a 'hole in the doughnut'.

Perhaps, one of the keys to happiness is a shitty memory. “Anger is MINE, thus sayeth…” Me, I choose to not let my anger consume me. If God is upset with me, I pray for the power to change.

“Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.” Corrie Ten Boom.

“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you, and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.” Will Smith While I believe that happiness is a choice and that no one can MAKE you mad, we still GET MAD from time to time. But as the Proverb was written, “Let not the sun go down upon thy wrath.”

No cop in the world can arrest the Invisible God.
