The presumption of innocence is akin to a national miracle. We've made serious efforts to see the good in others as demonstrated by our actions, even when we might not want to at any given time. I carry this in my daily walk with others, near and far, albeit imperfectly.
Both emotionally and in action (not inaction and apathy), making our words match our behavior means to have the courage to live out loud. While it's a more energy-draining endeavor for so many people, seeing the good in both offender and victim is a good starting point when it comes to controversy. With this habit, we can give ourselves permission to overcome our shortcomings, too, and start with a clean slate. Seeing the good in cops and criminals is the starting point for planting seeds in clean soil.
Problematic behavior and systemic abuse are realities that need not be brushed-over, but starting with a problem often traps the person in the issue. Starting with a solution is also a trap because solutions need a problem to solve, and the symbiosis constructs a revolving door of smug complacency. "Good" doesn't require the absence of 'bad' in a Universal sense of Trust. I trust that every problem bears a Higher Message when we change lenses and see with innocent eyes. Childlike, not childish. Be as little children for such is the Kingdom of Heaven is what Jesus said.