At the conclusion of this Blog Post is a YouTube Video about the Lawmaker who killed himself. We need to start Grief Groups for offenders. I’ve been saying this for years. Upon hearing of his suicide on YouTube, here's what some people said:
"Nice to hear a swamp rat self terminating."
"GREAT GUY? GREAT GUY? MEMORIES THEY SHARED? Typical politicians, good friends, all drunks."
"WHAT A WEAKLING!!!!" "Hell he was. A damn drunk"
"Boo Hoo"
My thoughts: Celebrating suicide? No wonder they call it Alcoholic's "Anonymous."
MADD has Grief Groups for Victims, but nothing for Offenders who are suicidal over injuring someone or worse, killing them. It seems CRUELTY has become the National Religion. For me, the starting point is love and what follows forgiveness.
I know two women who both lost their son to an impaired driver. Both forgave the offender and said they love him. One of them said we need to forgive, regardless of the temperature of our hearts, and that no one has a right to be a barrier to a fellow human being who wants to get well." Great Role Model! It is not a lack of loyalty to our loved-ones who passed or some type of aberrant permission of wrongdoing to forgive. Grief takes its own road and it takes as long as it takes. Just don't let grief kill your hearts.
Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean. Truth without compassion is cruelty.