Mock Crash ~ St. Francis High School

Today St. Francis high school staged a mock crash, which was supported by the St. Francis Community Drug Awareness Organization.  It took a lot of preparation to set up the Mock Crash. Sometimes a mock crash does not have a helicopter come in, and sometimes they do. I think it has to do with the availability of a helicopter, but this time they had one. After the helicopter left and the Hertz picked up the corpse, the mock crash itself was officially over, and then I was introduced to speak.

Youth volunteers walked around with my posterboard props to show the audience while I was speaking. These youth impressed me with their attention to civic responsibility and volunteerism.  I could easily see these youth grow to be leaders.

The audience was very attentive to my story, were quiet and appropriate during the entirety of my speech, and seemed to be very committed to the sober drivers.

They said they might invite me back to speak at the next Mock Crash in 2020. I got kick cancer's butt before that becomes a reality.

It was also great to have two personal friends make the drive to St. Francis to hear me speak.  Heartwarming!

Here's a video link: