My Voice

My Voice.

My voice is not the Door, not a hand on the Door, not a hinge on the door. My voice is the Squeak on the hinge on the door, which draws people's attention to it.

Don't shoot the messenger or oil the hinges of my imperfections.

If you don't like something I say, take it up with God. God's the reason I'm still alive. If you like something I say, don't give me credit; instead, clap your hands together to celebrate God. If you clap after my speech, remember to whom you are offering your applause.

If the message I bring points to me, I have done you a great disservice. If you remember me from my message, both you and I have done a disservice to the Message.

So, yesterday, I spoke to a wonderful group of people about sober driving and added a few names to my Newsletter List. It lifts me to know I helped lift others. It’s why I’m still alive? Maybe. Only God knows for sure, but I feel the miracles in my life are still happening to change my view of myself. I am standing between two mirrors, one being my past and the other my future. God is in the Eternal Now, and if I look through the Glasses of God, my NOW changes, and with it, so does my past and future. Jesus didn’t say He was the Beginning and the End; He said He is or I AM the Beginning and the End.

Food for Thought. Don’t view your errors as errors but rather as squeaks toward the door of a new life. Sometimes, we call one of our cats Squeaky because he doesn’t meow but squeak.

We are always exactly where we can see the door through the window of our eyes. If our eyes look at the light, our consciousness will be filled with light. It’s hard to see shadows when we’re facing the light. Our lives have seasons of darkness, but to God, even darkness is as light. A Ray of Darkness, perhaps. That’s where trust in God comes in. Trust is a Ray of Darkness. Trust beautifies and brings meaning to our grief.

When I first started talking on MADD Victim Impact Panels, I would drive home afterward, and seriously, it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life to NOT run my car into a bridge or tree at 100 MPH and kill myself. Not committing suicide is maybe one of my superpowers. LOL!

But I couldn’t take my own life. I had turned my will and life over to God, so my life wasn’t ‘my life’ anymore, and I couldn’t steal it from God. The following sentence might be convoluted, but bear with me. I also realized that IF I’m dead because I gave up, THEN when someone who might be ready to give up needed my help to hear why they shouldn’t give up by someone who knew what it was like that they’re going through that made it through the trials by fire, then I couldn’t help them…because I’m dead. It’s way harder to stay alive than kill oneself, but it’s worth it.

Don’t quit before the Miracle happens.