Listening poorly and dying quickly seem to be kissing cousins, but in reality, they are diametrically opposed within the veil of trust. The best leaders are experts first at following, for they ring the symbol of resonance and trust in their audience. They know what it’s like to follow and have compassion as a witness rather than the one ‘witnessing.’ That is why the truth shall be known from the mouth of two or three witnesses. The triumvirate orchestral synergy rises from the Maestro, the orchestra, and the audience. A recording is the memory thereof that never rises above the perceiver. No speech rises above the perceiver or audience, just like the presence of a spiritual experience gives rise to spiritual awareness but is separate from Horizon Absence after birthing it. If stillborn, Infectious Absence can rule one's world for a lifetime, even though acceptance fills the sail of a new future of Now. Sometimes, we survive by laughing at life's paradoxically transparent airs and ironic nature.
When caught in a trap of other or self-imposed origin, the one who comes to release the trap might not be carrying the means to anesthetize the sufferer. An animal thrashing in a trap clamped on its leg might try to bury its fangs into the savior attempting to free it. The animal or addict might be so desperate, terrified, or trying to survive that it doesn’t comprehend a predator from a Good Samaritan. They listen like a victim and forget their original sanity, but echoing comprehension is not a requirement of cooperation for the person not caught in the trap. Waiting patiently until it’s too weak to attack, waiting until it is powerless, is often the only row to hoe. Maybe our prayers to God seem to fall on deaf ears, but I wonder in my trust if it is just God waiting until we quit thrashing in the trap of our own making. Sometimes, the cliff from which one hangs can only support the weight of the hanger. If one approaches the cliffhanger, both may die. I was raised from the dead. I had to die first for that to happen. That’s why we are called Ressurection People.
Listening like a Maestro
Howling in Winter at June
clutching at the cliff's edge, NOT
knowing that dilemmas are our Runes.