Dynamic () Equivalency and the Power of Transpositional Ear-Regularities.

So I’ve been trying to decide if I should write and if anyone cares, but if I don’t care, who will prevaricate (caring to prevaricate)? Applying irony and paradox, not to mention poetic license. Yes, my odd sense of humor is at work here.

I’ll start with a poem I just wrote:

Dynamic ( ) Equivalencies

Permanent Déjà vu
Over Thinker’s Anonymous
Over Thinkers...'Anonymous'?
One word or two, and should I
rhyme just to please YOU (mirror talk)?
...and anonymous?  Doesn't everybody overthink
through an Over Soul?  Oversoul?
Isn't every poem
the same poem
but in different or 'other' words (otherwords?)
like a dictionary and the Bible have the exact words
in a different order?

poetic moral compasses are so funny, even ridiculous,
like starting a sentence with capitalization
and ending with arbitrary markers

A.I. shows 'soul' is Cliche, but until now, I haven't used it.
I said Soul, not 'soul' (unless you count oversoul). 
Now I have 2 Cliches (not two souls).
UGH...three Cliches.  Or is it 3 & 1/2?

Anyway, you know the torture we put ourselves through when writing.
I'm redundant, therefore, I Am

I feel, therefore, I think I Am.

Since Feeling is First (ee cummings)

I in...wherever or whatever...is different for Northerners than Southerners.  Southerners say AMEN the house.  Northerners, I'm in the house.

The written word(s) don't always capture the Soul of a thing.
"and death i think is no parenthesis"

© Timothy G Cameron   

OK, IF you got this far, you rock because you’ve acquired enough patience to Drop the Rock. Paradoxal Humor.

I’m way behind in my writing Blogs and Newsletters. My regular Subscribers know this already.

To my new Sunscribers, welcome to my madness.

So, a dynamic blend of trust and questions. I refuse to use A.I. to help me write. It’s tempting to sound more professional and engaging in proven ways, but I don’t think AI understands the poetic heart. Smart people sometimes forego inflection in the transmission of information. Yes, I admire their intelligence and even depend on it sometimes, yet they sound like a computer to me. I use spell-checking technology, but even that causes many headaches, as it has no clue about poetic metaphor AND is fussy (it doesn’t detect obvious misspelling errors, shows it’s running, but isn’t, much like a person addicted to political opinion).

So, in Timothy’s life, what’s going on?

I moved to a new city and now have an odd collection of responsibilities, desires, and time constraints (priorities) competing with old paradigms and patterns. I don’t prioritize well, as I am always like a comedian pulled by the gravity of metamorphizing types of matrix rabbit holes Beyond Good & Evil. The end product of musings warms my creative heart and is the meaning of life for me to touch hearts and minds this way, but it doesn’t put organic, non-GMO food on my table. It doesn’t pay the bills, and probably, like many of us in today’s economy, we’re looking to make ends meet.

I’m still speaking to DWI audiences, which helps me feel I’m using my life to help people, which is everything to me. I’m working to dismantle the locksteps of guilt paradigms that weigh people down. Sometimes, people get caught up in believing guilt is the only good part of who they are. If they let go of their guilt, the good part of themselves will wither and die, and they’ll go even farther into their self-made hell. Addicts and alcoholics do this. They have consequences for their problems and hate what they did. They think the part of themselves that hates what they did is the good part of themselves. If they quit hating what they did, the good part dies. Ironically, the Glittering Guild Guilt-Trip keeps them trapped in the revolving door, spiraling devolution.

likelihood of experiencing a way out of self-injurious