I, as an Ex-Con have had more than a moment to reflect on the darker side of human nature (both from prisoners and staff). I used to wonder over and over why God allowed me to encounter so many stories and experiences in the joint. Yet I always prayerfully sensed and trusted that there was actually a Higher Reason for everything and that I was still being covered by God’s Power and Grace.
If you want to know more, please read about how someone tried to murder me in prison but couldn’t in the chapter, "THE LITTLE MURDERER WHO COULDN’T’ from my book, The Little Book of Miracles, Stories from the Incomplete Skeptic.
With God, there is no order of difficulty in miracles. Parting the Red Sea or the Miracle of Forgiveness are equally easy for God. Humorously, if there were an order of difficulties for God, God saving me from myself might be rated ‘up there’. Most of our problems in life are of our own making. At least it’s been true of my life.
“Most of the corners we paint ourselves into are synthetic.” Dr. Laura Schlessinger
That is to say, the most secure prisons in the world are not built by others; the self-imposed prisons we construct for ourselves (in our attention or focus) are what hold us hostage.
‘The doors to hell are opened [or closed] from the inside.’ C. S. Lewis
Don’t hold or ‘bury’ any thoughts (seeds) that you don’t want to create as your future. A person is as happy as they decide to be. I’ve seen many prisoners who were happy on the INSIDE. Have a ‘profound alteration in your reaction to life.’ from The Big Book
Many healed or ‘Recovered’ Ex-Cons could suspend their judgment, then look at themselves honestly and pass on to others the wonderful values they discovered from such true objectivity. Smile when the abyss stares back at you. “Face miles of trials with smiles” (from In The Beginning, by The Moody Blues).
There's some good in the worst of us and some bad in the best of us. Sometimes, God uses the worst of us to help the rest of us, and again, those least deserving of love might need it the most.
True forgiveness might be the removal of the obstacle that sets the captive free. The truth will set you free, and others, too.
What if your forgiveness presents the bold opportunity for an offender to turn from their wicked ways and, as a consequence, prevent the next generation of victims of crime?
Photo Credit: Dmitry Ratushny
Forgiveness runs deeper than the offense that requires its presence. Without an offense, forgiveness could not prove itself as miraculous. Be thankful for all things. Consider this scripture, if you will:
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
BTW, I've been free for 33 years and sober for 33 years. Most Alcoholics/Addicts do things while drunk or high that they would never do sober. Forgiveness is at the core of my recovery.
To those still grieving for the abuse, take hope in the idea and feeling that even when our hearts have been broken, we can fill in the cracks with Love and Forgiveness. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Nietzsche might have missed that even if it kills us, it makes us stronger because there is a thing called The Ressurection. By ‘dying to self’ (ego/selfishness), we start to live. Remember the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi?
“Change your mind, and your life will follow.” Karen Casey
Repaint you Future.