Because some New Subscribers recently joined my List, I’m posting an interview with Hoard A. (sober 38 years) that we did on The Incomplete Skeptic, Sober Wise Guy Series. They joined just to hear this one, so it’s ‘Front & Center’. An anonymous gentleman is sober 38 years and shared his Story. Here’s the YouTube Link (click on it after reading this Blog Post, as it will send you to YouTube): Howard A.
I started work on this Blog Post 12/20/22,.
I decided to post this one at years’ end and the new year beginning. Here’s wishes for 2023.
“I Am the New Year.
I am an unspoiled page in your book of time.
I am your next chance at the art of living.
I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned about life during the last twelve months.
All that you sought and didn't find is hidden in me, waiting for you to search it but with more determination.
All the good that you tried for and didn't achieve is mine to grant when you have fewer conflicting desires.
All that you dreamed but didn't dare to do, all that you hoped but did not will, all the faith that you claimed but did not have-these slumber lightly, waiting to be awakened by the touch of a strong purpose.
I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to Him who said, "Behold, I make all things new."
Author Unknown
So what about 2022? I’ve heard the “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way” directive, but everything is in context, right? The rock band ‘Boston’ sang a song by that title, yes (great song, by the way). Boston DON'T LOOK BACK The 70’s mustaches and 80’s hair were wild, but times change. The hair cults seem to have stayed in the past. I think ‘looking back’ at our Original Selves’ as Children of God is a healthy paradigm. Most of us don’t remember where we came from, so we think ‘looking back’ is not about that. But remembering who we are and the good times we’ve experienced in life brings gratitude and refills our tanks for more mileage on our sacred path. ANYWAY…LOL…follows is a snapshot of a few personal thingies.
My Blogging is about many things, how I want to contribute to your life and help make life easier in some way. To touch hearts with gratitude. We should alal Blog or Journal to leave our footprint. Posterity, family and friends will ahve something to remember us by after we’re gone.
So, in context, here we go. It’s been has been an interesting year for this somewhat Happy Camper; yet in the Big Picture, no more or less interesting than any other year, perhaps? In God’s Economy, nothing is wasted. Like some Native American tribes, when they hunted buffaloo, they used every single part of it. That’s honorable. And the Talmud reads that we don’t see life as it is; we see life as we are.
I’d like to share with you a few things about how I’m speanding my life on ‘Earth School’ these days. If you are at all like me, which I think we are more alike than not, I am interested in the backstory of every human that I come into contact with. I suspect you are interested in me at some level, or you wouldn’t be reading this. So I’ll share some of my Back Story.
Cancer: still in remission. Hard to believe it even happened. Surreal. My life is not what it was, and the aftermath is challenging. But life is a challenge no matter what, if one is actually living. I am alive only because I have work left to do. I play a lot of online chess over the last month, as chess teached me to SLOW DOWN and THINK things through. Control my emotions. I love the game, for it’s like a SILENT LANGUAGE that my brain relaxes with. Chess is a Life Corrolary with many discipliones required for my daily life. I think every young persoin should learn to play.
Chris Berg “before” the crash.
Something I learned mainly from Chris Berg in MADD is to I start my day with GRATITUDE and offering a HAPPY HEART…prayer and/or conversations with God. She went through hell to get her life back after being hit by a drunk driver. If she could have a good attitude after such a tragedy, maybe I can heal from trauma, too. She starts each day thanking God for another day of living. Powerful healing work! Healing didn’t happen overnight for most of us, but she proved it could be done. We have been friends since 1991. She and her mom changed my life. I’m glad God opened the door of service for our fellow with my Story.
Mary Jo Robinson, RIP, thanks for the Call to Action in recovery. We are here to love and heal each other. Forgiveness is but one huge aspect of life’s meaning for me. This self-forgiveness took years for me, as you might know.
On another person venue, I was writing monthly recovery articles for a 12 Step Alano in 2022, titled, THE DRY SHEET. If you’re interested in reading them, here’s the link:
I also had an article appear in The Phoenix Spirit. Here’s that article link: Timothy's Article - Phoenix Spirit
I occasionally produced poetry on “AllPoetry”. I’ve been writing there for 21 years, but was also writing poetry when I was 12 years old.. Here’s the link for my page on AllPoetry:
So as you can see, I write a bit. The labor of writing is substantive. Countless hours meditating about what words to use, going down Rabbit Holes for hours-on-end.
But I started playing online chess about a month ago. I experience (and teach) chess as a life discipline. Chess embodies intuitive disciplines for understanding, whether in relationships, conversation, employment, planning, assessing problems and solutions, or impulse control.
This is my side gig. The only effective teacher is the one who teaches the student how to beat the teacher. I can raise players to a B Class skill level (I was last rated as a B CLASS in the United States Chess Federation).
One day we're the teacher and the next, we're the student. After interacting with It's Your Move Academy, the day will come when you can kick your Trainers' butt, then join the USCF or FIDE, and quickly earn higher ratings.
If you want to analyze your tournament game with me after graduating from IYMA (It’s Your Move Academy), that's is an option. I rarely post on the Facebook Group, but here’s that link: It's Your Move Academy
In my public and private speaking world, it is/was as follows:
The Twin Cities Prison Ministry allows me to speak at their events. My being an EX-CON is a PLUS there! Mary Jo used to tell me that “MADD is your Ministry!” I seek to bring Love and Forgiveness to audiences.
I also met another Mary Jo Robinson in the Prison Ministry! We are friends and it feels like a real God Thing!
Hurting people sometimes hurt people, but HEALED people HEAL people! I believe God called me to this work. Here’s the TCPM Facebook page link: Twin Cities Prison Ministry While I am not Catholic, the Cathilics in my life taught me the most about forgiveness.
I continue to speak for the Hennepin County One Day Program for DWI offenders. I don’t like the term ‘offenerds’, as I think it tends to marginalize people into an ‘us/them’ box. ‘Those people’ is a Red Flag for me. People don’t mean ill by it, I’ve learned, but I personally try to avoid such lables. The 2023 contract has yet to be discussed, and I suspect I won’t be speaking there here forward. Not really sure.
The Wilmar Location
I was also speaking for the Alternatives Program in Wilmar, MN. However, the woman Rocky S., (that was running it) recently retired. The treatment center she worked at for so many years did a Retirement Party. It was great seeing her (probably) one last time. Keep her in prayer. She lost her husband not too long ago, and that’s been a true challenge of grief. Send a few prayers her way, please. God know who she is.
It was also one of my few paid speaking gigs. 2023 might be all free, unless I can land speaking jobs. So, pray for my work, too? Speakers are ready for Impact Panels. Phoenix 490 is Rising to help people Thrive, but organizational skills are needed. Care to help?
This is one bummer to report, that we didn’t go up to Grand Marais this year, but we are looking at the possibility of moving up north. Living in nature has been on our Bucket List for a long time.
The above is a carosel of JPEGS create for past Guests of either The Incomplete Skeptic, or Sober Wise Guy. TIS is about hearing unusual voices, stories, or padadigms that are somewhat maginalized societally. SWG is about interviewing people in longterm sobriety (generally 30+, but not always). You may recognize some of the names of past Guests. Follows are links of the interviews:
Rodney Norman
Craig O. ~ SWG What surrender in recovery looks like.
Michael Monroe (my fav musician)
Funeral Blues, Sacred Contracts, MADD, Dreams & Visions, Self-forgiveness (my Inner Dialog of Yesteryear).