Being teachable for me means starting with a clean slate, body, mind, and soul. Our Spirit can always see the Light. Trust your Spirit. No need to wait for an NDE to experience this. The Holy Spirit agrees that our presence in this world is to help free the anchor from its worldly source and ground it in recognition of our true character. To the understood things of this world, we are not understandable. I have felt your Light and your Heart Shines Warmth.
So far in my life, only Love has been able to move mountains and clear away the wreckage of my past or the past of other people that have impacted me.
There is no prison wall so thick that God can't get through it. God is Love. I learned this in prison.
May YOU find Love NOW.
For Alcoholics, we didn't have a feeling problem, we had a thinking problem, and drinking was just a symptom. Eventually, we 'came to understand' (sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly) those things that used to baffle us, which gift of understanding is the organic blessing of The Surrendered, Intuitive Mind. “God GRANT me the serenity…”
Once I'm all right on the inside, it's really hard to find anything wrong on the outside.