IN RE the Christ Meme: Part of the reason I post such things isn't that I am callous to Christ, that I am against anyone or anything, but rather to NOT allow myself to take MYSELF and what "I" think too seriously. What I think and believe is not the point of life.
Being peaceful NO MATTER WHAT I THINK OR ANYONE ELSE THINKS is what I am after. If I am annoyed, it's no one else's fault. I'm annoyed because I am ANNOYABLE. "THEY" are not my problem.
The atheist philosopher Sartre said, "Hell is other people." I concur only so far as "other" is in the sentence. Hell is "other" people. The world seems addicted to judgment; I try to consciously release that judgment from my own life and subscribe to the LIVE AND LET LIVE principle.
Here are examples of "other": other politics, other religions, other races, other genders, other opinions, other programs, other ancestries, people whining about whatever I am not whining about (other whiners), hating the haters, and 'other-others' ad-nauseam.
It seems to be the most secure prison in the world, is the one we justify and construct for ourselves.
Every ripple of change, pain, pang, joy, and surrender elude logical preconditions, stripping our souls, leaving us only with a choice to LOVE or bask in the illusion of 'otherness'.
Poetry, music, and humor cleanse 'me-ness' and rejoins sacred connection as experiences merge effortlessly into We. We upsidedown is a metaphorical Me.
All are One, Storms and the Eyes of the storms thereof. are part of the Great Whole (Holy). If the Eye is full of Acceptance, the whole body is, too. Our storms all look different from the outside, but the inside is the same. Until then, just laugh.
Most people probably don't have the slightest clue how big and compassionate someone's heart has to be to hang up the blamethrowers of life. I'm no scholar of any variety, but the Christ as I understand Him, died because He LOVED. Even at the end, what did He say? "Forgive them, they know not what they do." Three days later, he resurrected.
Ancient Greece made its greatest strides when they were free to do both good and bad things. My greatest single regret I see coming from Ancient Greece is how they made the human psyche divided against itself. They over-focused on the mind and left the heart out of balance with the mind. One manifestation of this illness came from the idea that "Feelings are not facts." Truth is, the mind and the heart are One. The mind is the thinking part of the heart, and the heart is the feeling part of the mind.
Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge and pointed out that his leaps of higher ideas came suddenly, intuitively.
The 'dictionary' of Einstein's life exploded like a bomb in a printing press office, and the letters of the dictionary flew everywhere BUT came back together in a beautiful order.
After all, the dictionary and the Bible both contain the same words, albeit in a different order. The EGO exists as an illusion in the mind. The heart is not so deluded, and that's why the battlefield is in the mind and not the heart.
The Divine Feminine
The mind is supposed to protect the heart, for once the heart goes, our destiny goes. A poisoned heart is a most tragic state of affairs, with forgiveness and peace defying all explanation and knowledge rushes in to save the day (if we surrender to the Holy Spirit).
Sentio Ergo Sum Cogito, by The Incomplete Skeptic.
Let's start the Church of the Impetuous Paradox where we "spend" time inspecting the history of forever & chronologize eternity. LOL!
Truth without paradox is dead.
No disrespect intended, but both the delegates of 'Pseudo cum laude' Cogito Ergo Sum entourage and René Descartes belonged in a Thinker's Anonymous meeting. Descartes glorified thinking and abandoned himself (and relegated others) to the systematized, outside-in approach to life. But real sunshine comes from the inside-out.
Sentio ergo sum cogito. I Feel (the heart), therefore, I Think (the mind) I Am. For me, the mind is the thinking part of the heart, and the heart is the feeling part of the mind. Mind and heart are ONE. The Greeks did so much to revolutionize culture abroad and I celebrate this, but they also made schizophrenics of generations for thousands of years by focusing on mind and marginalizing heart.
Thoughts are the substance of mind, as hope is the substance of things unseen, and UNSEEN like Adam Smith's Invisible Hand is the wiping off the dust from the Mirror that is Humanity's God or Higher Power.
Original Mind & Original Heart are One. Have you ever heard the saying, be ye as little children, for such is the Kingdom of God? THAT! I've also read that “Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination.” e.e. cummings
I'm in charge of what I say, you're in charge of what you hear. The same applies to the written word. The Alpha and the Omega/the snake eating itself, as above so below/on earth as it is in Heaven all bear common or ancient ancestry. Sit back and dwell on that silently for a while.
I draw an ironic smile when I hear someone say that 'feelings are not facts' because I believe that Love (a feeling) is the Greatest Fact ever experienced. Drawing abstract consciousness from the original mind is like unsheathing the flaming sword protecting Eden's Tree of Life, and is akin to a solution feasting like vampires on problems. "Live in the solution" sounds good to the EGO, but is the paradigm of self-slavery to the extreme. Goethe related that the most secure prison is the one we don't know we are in.
One of my life-changing, favorite poems.
War is the greatest paradigm of forced cooperation, yet comprehension is not a Peacekeeper requirement of cooperation. Respect is. Forcing solutions and imposing harmony is a maladaptive dire sickness plaguing us, leading to a societal psychosis that even music might not cure. Music and poetry, prayer and acts of compassionate discourse have helped save my life through the years. Let's bring that back into focus again.
The great philosopher Rodney King nailed it (and no, I’m NOT being sarcastic), but cruel satirical headlines attended his echoes in some circles, but I'll repeat his unconditional grace here because true freedom lives in the Questions of Life and not so much in the answers: "Can't we all just get along?"
As ‘The Picard’ would say: “ENGAGE” and as someone near and dear to my heart said some 2,000 years ago, “Love one another.
If anyone even reads this whole blog post, I'll be fucking shocked. I barely could stand to do so myself. LOL! Peace Out & Groovy. Have fun. No excuses.