At worst, all difficulties represent a quest to learn selfless-control. Intuitively decoding what to let go of is 1) an art realized within the current form & framework known as our lives, but deeply ingrained attitudes of our past lives (everything from a second ago is a past life) declares HOW we place emphasis on seemingly non-linear, spiritual values.
This is a quest-tion (Elevated Quest) to learn to see life from other people's points of view and to become adept in the 2) art of communication. When it comes to not being distracted from our own agendas, we tend to view questions as nothing less than a tendency to restless and irritable distractability. Develop contemplative focus, and then witness your ability to communicate your ideas in ways that help many people in your sphere of influence. Don’t be Beverly surprised when your peeps act like purring kittens; they will echo resoundingly as heartbeats of gratitude in your energetic Learning Curve. At worst, consider the distractions of life as a meaningful tour through God's Cosmic Kitchen. Nothing is anyone's fault.
As we turn up the heat on the proverbial frog or ‘Culture of Blame’, consider how one of the frog’s prized children, formerly known as metaphorical Global Warning "It's Your Fault" are actually knowingly acting as Insurance Incubators (follow the money); all the while, the Blamologists ripen on their tree. Seems crazy, but the addiction to anger burns rhyme and reason alike.
This bend in the road appears arbitrary, but remember that Emily Dickenson said to “dwell in possibility.’ I was reading Carlos Castenada's books long before my drug tests would have all come back dirty (in my formative years) and I'm still digesting life on life's terms from Don Juan’s lessons (I’m still drug-free after a 19-year break from "normal"). Coincidently, I think it was the Eagle's lead singer who said he only got drunk once...for 19 years.
Learn to enjoy your words as they agitate ideas as a Namaste washing machine runs by monkeys. If the load is making noise because the garments are out of balance, don’t through the clothes away and don’t attack the machine. You're part of the Universal Conspiracy to Love. Slow down, open the lid, rearrange the load, close the lid, and enjoy. Although many are called to the machine, few say yes. Accept the saying that ‘normal’ is a setting on a dryer.