I'm a Liberal. I say LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Love is both a noun and a verb. In balance, Love has no opposite. I feel (love as a verb), ergo, I think I Am (love as a noun). Everything revolves around balanced ‘Love’ for me.
Sentio, ergo, sum Cogito sum (i feel, therefore, i think i am).
A real Liberal that believes in Freedom of Speech for all citizens (and abroad). The pseudo-liberals are fascist dictators of identity politics. While I believe in citizen's right to bear arms, I am reluctant to carry a firearm myself because it puts my faith in self versus faith in the Creator. Guns are NOT my Higher Power.
The Jewish Bible tells a story (In 2 Kings) describing a heavenly army of angels protecting Elisha and his servant from an earthly army. Ironically, Elisha could 'see' what his servant couldn't. His servant was hitting bricks and panicking. That's what Americans are almost doing. So the Jewish story goes, Elisha said, "Don’t be afraid. 'Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' And Elisha prayed, 'Open his eyes, God, so that he may see.' The servant (Apprentice?) then looked and saw the hills full of horses and 'chariots of fire' all around Elisha. This is not the point, maybe, but the Chariots of fire are considered a Merkaba.
Anyway, and more to the irony of the story, this is where we need to go: Verse 20 describes Elisha ALSO praying for the ENEMY soldiers' sight to be restored once they entered the city, and God answered that prayer, so they could finally see Elisha—and also the king of Israel, who was with him. Verses 21 to 23 describe Elisha and the king showing MERCY to the army, holding a feast for the soldiers to build friendship between Israel and King Aram (Police, BLM, ANTIFA, Communists, Nazi's, etc. and whoever you hate...don't hate the haters). Verse 23 ends by saying, "The bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory." Now, if they refused to see, then who is at fault? Let's keep our focus on the goodness of ALL people, cease Separation Consciousness from dividing us, and selling our freedom for a crumb of bread that falls from the slave-masters' (Gates, or whoever) table. To err is human; to edit is divine. Smudge, don't grudge.
Some people may view themselves as my enemy, but "I" have no enemies, because I have turned my will and my life over to the care of God. Why do you think Marxism has murdered faith-based practitioners (Christians, Buddhists, Jews)? I think it's because their eyes were not be opened. If we show them prayerful love, it might open their eyes. Yet none are so blind as they which refuse to see, but I am not their judge. God is my Gun, I shall not want.
The birds and flowers don’t toil nor have sweat from their metaphorical brow. Be ye therefore perfect as your Creator in Heaven is perfect.
In A Course In Miracles, it reflects that 'in my defenselessness, my safety lies.' It also reads 'Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God.' In the Christian Bible, Christ taught that we pursue a peace that surpasses all understanding. Solomon prayed for wisdom and not riches and was blessed accordingly. King David was protected by God even though he had a plethora of shortcomings, some deadly serious like adultery and murder. Paul helped Jews kill Christians until Christ interrupted his innocent descent and struck him blind for three days.
Look and have eyes to see, there IS a Light shining in the darkness. The darkness is unaware of this, but if we shine our light from atop the mountains for all to see, we can flip this planet. We can create heaven on earth (or see it's already here). We are surrounded by angels, have our Guardian Angels helping us, so why fear?
FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real and EGO is Edging God Out. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and 'as above, so below.' No one goes Home until everyone goes Home. Don't let the political or religious ego remain the common enemy coming between you and your brothers and sisters.
Turn the other cheek. Because only Love is Real (God is Love), our only response to 'Reality' must be Love. Everything is either Love or a Call for Love. Will you pick up the phone?
Next Saturday, I’m doing a ZOOM call for discussing how to utilize tools for having a respectful debate. STRATEGIES FOR PEACEFUL DIALOG is our focus and we are NOT targeting an actual ‘debate’.
How does a person have a conversation today and not let a political view control it? I personally don’t see a person through their political view, I choose to see and talk to the humanity in the human. How might one rise above the foray of discontented egos in a debate? In other words, how can we 'feed the Good Wolf' when hearing an idea we find difficult to address or that we find reprehensible? How can one avoid getting into a pissing contest with a skunk? How do you stay calm, cool, and collected enough to deescalate a problem rather than 'feed the Bad Wolf?' Let us share our secrets to harmony.
It's impossible to be off our spiritual path. Some might call this Sacred Contracts. In God's Economy, nothing is wasted. If you're up to writing a little note on what it means to 'look for the good' or describe how you have a long-term relationship or marriage...what's YOUR secret? The Meme is meant to be humorous. One Pathway to Peace is to never take yourself too seriously.
I hope to ‘see’ you Saturday, 1/16/21. The gig starts at 1:00 p.m. You can suit up and show up as a listener or weigh in with your perspective. I am looking for tools you might use to make peace. Please feel free to share here or in the meeting itself. Here’s the link: us02web.zoom.us