THUD! said the feeling we experience when someone we love and trust falls out of line with our expectations. Thoughts for Tots & Spiritual Temper Tantrums evolve or devolve over time, depending on our backgrounds’ greatest lessons and tragedies. Overcompensating and underreacting sensitiveness to elaborative promptings are probably ego-based and dissolve if one waits long enough to get a YES MESSAGE. Geez, talk about a convoluted sentence, but how much worse is it than the daily thoughts we have about life when we wonder what we are supposed to do?
TMI and Monkey Mind never wake-down to transparency. Although life always throws multiple messages our way, few people notice the synchronicities. If we don’t get the message, we are doomed to reexperience the same choices until we wake-up. It’s hard to see others if we can’t see ourselves, but others are us, so community feedback never rises above the audience. Most of our outer dreams are disappear, floating off unsatisfactorily on our inner seas. But the truth is floating around in our minds somewhere, looking for our heart.
If you’ve had the opportunity to watch the movie, ‘Life of PI’,,’ou might recall this: “All living things contain a measure of madness that moves them in strange, sometimes inexplicable ways. This madness can be saving; it is part and parcel of the ability to adapt. Without it, no species would survive.”
Some years ago, I started listening to an audiobook titled, “Spiritual Madness” by Caroline Myss. I listened so often, and still listen to it during meditations from time to time, as the lessons transform my greatest forgetfulness, like ignorance losing its cloak of secretiveness. Sometimes God’s greatest Voice is ‘still and small’, but occasionally, it’s jarring to our meaninglessness…but not to our '100th Monkey' grateful consciousness.
The Collective Unconscious creates opportunities for trust and right-sizing Individuality. It’s like unconditional grace permeating our perception of self and others and we forget where we start and they end. We are one, even while we are getting a ‘nudge from the judge.’ Like in The Matrix, someone cut the hardwire, but it’s mind over matter; if we don’t mind, it don’t matter. A deep sense of knowingness has nothing to do with logic and the corporate life, yet peace is never fake, no matter where we are. As the saying goes, “No matter where you go, there you are.”
Starving Artists have inner voices they say ‘waiting is not waiting’ and sometimes the canvass is the bridge we are living under as a homeless person, our prison is our monastery, or our president isn’t smart enough to be wrong all of the time. Let Go and Let God is a Court Jester and the last frontier of freedom to see life on life’s terms. But instead, so many people have parallel realities of relativity where they finger-point at their perception of others, never realizing they are only annoyed because they are annoyable.
Snatching the Culture of Blame from the Jaws of Victory have religions and politics built all around it. But healing the wounds of our youth rarely dances itself free by being unmalleable. Stretching is required before working our spirits, just like it is for our bodies. Not having a box to think outside of is a great start.
I’ve known too many people who rose above the most difficult of hardships to have not given birth to my hope and belief that I could experience a new life, but the process of birthing was arduous. And if you’ve never read “Man’s Search for Meaning”, go do so.
Victor Frankl wrote, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way."
In short, no one’s a victim. A wonderful sentient sense of security, true freedom, comes when we quit fighting everyone and everything. Acceptance is the answer to our problems today. But most of the things I’ve ‘let go’ of have claw marks all over it. Giving room for new life to comes through means letting death come to the parts of us that are already dead. I’ve killed the part of myself that didn’t want to live.
Some people think that hanging in there shows great strength when the truth is 'letting go' is the real test of character.