Kill 'em all, Let God Sort It Out.

I remember being incredibly impressed when Pastor Greg Boyd said rather than being at war, we should follow Christ’s teaching and forgive our enemies. Almost a third of his congregation got up angrily and exited the church. He lost a lot of money for preaching the Gospel that day, but he never apologized, retracted his statements, nor started preaching something more palatable to the modern-day Christian Wannabe.

Someone said “Thou shalt not kill’ really means, “Thou shalt not murder’ and therefore justified going to war. I’ve heard people say “Love your neighbor” means love someone who looks like you or someone who is your friend and not your enemy.

The Old Testament or Old Law has merit on many levels, yet it has the danger of tethering us to the Lower Law, whereas the New Testament is the Higher Law. Me, I don't touch pork and follow Old Testament lower law regarding diet, but not eating pork sure won't put me on the fast track to heaven.

New Law: I recall reading that we were expected to hate our enemies. Still, Christ the Messiah of Israel brought a New Law, to forgive our enemies, to have no hierarchy (in the household of Christ, there is no male/female, Jew/Gentile, master/slave, etc. recorded in the Book of Galatians), to turn the other cheek. We've all heard these things, but almost no one cares actually to FOLLOW Christ. Churchianity is a modern-day religion, misnomered 'Christianity."

People quote the Old Testament but only follow OT when it's useful for getting one's way. Here's the hard truth. Almost all of us are hypocrites (maybe all of us). 'Churchians' work, play, and spend on the Sabbath in the 'real' American temples (Malls & Amazon). Churchians don't tithe; they lust, drink, and drug, justify abuse and use OT terms to redefine killing and 'neighbors' as part of the chosen race (whichever race one wants to apply it to).

I'm no saint, but I'm willing to grow along spiritual lines. I've violated 9 out of 10 of the Commandments given to Moses, and I fall short of what I would want to be as a Christian, too. I'm probably a "bad" Christian. But I'm more than my mugshot. We don't get ready for heaven or meet God to get ready; we meet God (have an NDE) to get ready to be who we really are deep down.

The FULL Serenity Prayer or Pray of St. Francis of Assisi is closer to my target behavior, but if I have to be 'good enough' to get to heaven, I'm screwed.

Simon, who, after conversion, wrote much of the modern Bible (you might recall he was struck blind in his righteousness). After gaining direct insight through GRACE, 'Paul' said our BEST is filthy rags, not to shame us but essentially asking we drop EGO. Christ said, 'drop the rock' from our daily living of the lower law. EGO: Edging God Out is what I heard in recovery.

I could go on and on for a long time, but will just let it go for a while. Today is when we celebrate Christmas and ironically like ancient Romans, we share gifts for Saturn on December 25th. Most people confuse modern-day Christmas as to how Pagan Nords were converted away from Odinism (Odin’s Day, also December 25th…I’ve heard but don’t know for sure).

Whatever day it is, who cares? What’s in your heart is all that matters. What goes in your mind or heart is less important than what comes out, just like pork or booze. If it makes what comes out TOXIC, then STOP IT. That’s the ‘‘convenience’ of forgiveness, but for most of us, living Christian standards is almost impossible. Merry Christmas, anyway. I love you. Pass it on. Heaven is coming to earth if we keep surrendering our hearts.