I Didn't Mean to Hurt Someone

The Alcoholic that was in my life drank herself to death. I had exited the relationship before she passed, as I felt directed to do so by my Higher Power.  


But before I ended the relationship, my Sponsor said she was holding onto the bottle, and it was pulling her down to drown in the abyss, and further said I was holding onto her 'to save her,' but that I too would drown if I did not let go of her.


Let Go and let God. If the person gets sober because of us, they'll never take accountability of their lives. A person cannot realize the meaning of Step One without experiencing Powerlessness. If we throw pillows under the alcoholic to keep them from falling too hard...WE KILL THEM. They have to hit concrete, unfortunately.


Powerlessness leads one to believe beyond the illusions that didn't work. Powerlessness clears denial.


We have to work our program. If a plane is going down, first take your oxygen mask and then pray for the next right thing to occur. If the prayer is answered, then take action. There is One who has ALL power...so ‘keep your prayers on’.  I would rather leave the house with no clothes on than without my prayers on.


This Too Shall Pass. Take care of 'you' so you'll be strong enough to provide service work from a place of wellness, rather than from pure grief or shock.


Euphoric Recall happens when we feel the love for the addict/alcoholic, but guess what? Love itself doesn't go far enough. The number One killer of children, for example, that dies in drunk driving tragedies, die at the hands of the one that loves them most (the parent drunk driver). Love doesn't save the children; loving ACTION does.


If you are healthy, you will not in a way that jeopardizes others.  "I didn't mean to hurt someone" is childish. You have to live ON PURPOSE.  If you love someone, you will not harm them on purpose.  If you love yourself, you will not place yourself in harm's way, either.  You have to mean NOT to harm someone or yourself, and consciousness is the essential condition leading to this end.


Quit walking through life with sharp edges.  File off the sharp edges, Live and Let Live.  For me, Love is my Religion, and Action is my Gospel.